We use WhatsApp to communicate with parents. Please reach out to your teachers to request the link for your respective grade level WhatsApp groups.
Board Members
Board Members
President -Grace Chang
Principal - Mrs. Pam Hughes
Teachers - Ms. Gloria Harris, Mrs. Daphne Leung and Mrs. Pratibha Raheja
Executive VP - Thuy Trinh
Secretary - Hetvi Chokshi
Treasurer - TBD
Financial Secretary - Yolanda Fan
VP of Membership - Rachna Jha
VP of Ways and Means - Open
VP of Technology - Open
VP of Programs - Open
Financial Reviewer - Open
Parliamentarian - Open
Committee Chairs
Committee Chairs
Reflections - Thuy Trinh
Yearbook - Ziba Ahmed
Spiritwear - TBD
If you are interested in joining as a board member or as part of a committee, let us know!